Trouble in Disguise Page 8
“You survived six-year-olds,” she said as she took the seat next to him.
Survived just by the skin of his teeth. “Teachers are saints. To put up with so many kids at one time…” He shook his head. “I have no words.”
Jade laughed. “You get used to it. It’s not always so crazy. Once the excitement wears off, they’ll behave better. You’ll see.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” he mumbled.
“You didn’t like it?” she asked.
“I suck at teaching. You should look for someone else.”
Jade’s eyebrows rose. “You did not suck. I shouldn’t have started you with such a young grade, but the kids had a blast, and you were great with them.”
“Great? I’m not sure if you were in the same room. I didn’t teach them a damn thing.”
“Remember, they’re only six. Unless they’re musically gifted, learning an instrument will take time. Think about what went on in the lesson,” Jade said.
“Nothing,” he said. She narrowed her eyes, and he sighed. “They played around with the instruments.”
“I’m not sure I’m following. Because what they did was make a lot of noise and couldn’t follow any of my instructions,” he noted.
“It wasn’t about being able to play a song today. What they learned is what instruments they liked, what they were drawn to.”
She was right. They didn’t all gravitate to the same thing. And if something didn’t feel right, they tried something else. By the end of the class, all the kids had chosen an instrument and had massive smiles on their faces. Jade had a point. They learned what they preferred to play. Hopefully, they could move on from there.
“I guess it can only get better, right?” Please let it be so.
Her eyes twinkled with laughter. “It will get better. I promise. And tomorrow you’ll be teaching year five and six, and they’ll be better behaved.” She nudged him with a shoulder and smirked. “And maybe there’ll be someone who’ll know who Jimi Hendrix or Eric Clapton are.”
Nate shook his head with disgust. “What are parents teaching kids these days?”
After locking up the hall, they made their way outside. “Toby’s taken my car, and he messaged me to tell me he won’t be back for a while. Do you mind giving me a lift home?” Nate asked. “If you can’t, that’s okay, I’ll call a taxi.”
Jade bit her lip. “I can give you a lift, but I’m not sure you’ll want me to.”
Confused, Nate asked, “Why wouldn’t I? Are you some kind of crazy driver that shouldn’t be allowed on the roads?”
She gave him a sheepish grin. “I get called crazy, but it’s not because of my driving.”
Okay, now he was intrigued.
“Come with me. If you change your mind and don’t want a lift, I’ll understand,” she said, and Nate followed her to the teacher’s carpark. She probably drove an old bomb and was embarrassed.
When they reached the gravel lot, Nate stopped short. There wasn’t an old bomb. Toby’s car sat in the carpark and one other vehicle—a bright, canary yellow moped with matching sidecar.
“So, do you still want me to give you a lift home?” Her lips twitched.
Toby would’ve known all along what Jade drove to work that day. He was gonna pay for this. Could Nate even fit in that thing? And how safe could the tiny capsule be?
Jade pulled out a phone from her backpack. “I’ll call Connor to pick you up.”
God no. Not after the daggers the man gave him the other night, threatening bodily harm. How bad could a ride on a moped be? “It’s fine. Just tell me how to get in it.”
Jade gave him a dubious look. “Are you sure?”
Hell no, he wasn’t sure. But he couldn’t chicken out now. “Yes.”
Unlocking a small compartment at the back of the vehicle, she pulled out two small black helmets and handed one to Nate. He inwardly groaned. It looked like something from an old world war two movie. If she handed him matching goggles, he was out of there.
With awkward movements, he got in, his knees almost touching his chin, and secured the belt nice and tight, making sure he wouldn’t fall out.
She slid on the seat, adjusted her skirt, and tucked it under her legs, he assumed so it didn’t flap around as she rode. When she started the engine, it sounded more like a lawnmower than any kind of motorbike he’d ever heard.
After giving her his address, he was hit with a thought. “Have you taken many people riding?”
She gave him a quick glance as she steered the bike out of the school. “You’re my first. No one has been brave enough to try. Hang on!” She revved the throttle and took off up the street.
Nate clung onto the sides white-knuckle tight.
Chapter 11
Jade had laughed at Nate’s shocked, white face when she told him she’d never taken anyone for a ride before. But the way he held on for dear life made her not feel so guilty for joking about him being her first passenger.
As they stopped in front of Nate’s house, he fumbled with the seatbelt then jumped out of the sidecar. “Did you enjoy the ride?” she asked sweetly.
Something close to fear flashed in his eyes. Wow, he didn’t have to look so terrified. It wasn’t her fault a car pulled out in front of them and she had to slam on the brakes, nearly sending him flying across the road.
“No. Never again.” He took off the helmet and threw it to her.
She caught it and was about to tell him to grow a pair when she saw a ginger cat sitting on the doorstep of the house. Like the animal knew it had drawn someone’s attention, it meowed loudly. Jade looked closer and noticed its matted fur and skinny body.
Jumping off the moped and throwing the helmets in the compartment, she raced over to the cat. “Hey, sweet thing.” Glancing over her shoulder, she asked, “Is he yours?” If it was, she’d blast him for neglecting the poor animal.
Nate shook his head. “Never seen it before.”
“Are you lost? Looks like you haven’t had a meal in a long time. I bet you’re starving.” In answer, the cat gave a long, pitiful meow. “We need to feed him,” she said to Nate and tried to pick him up, but it scurried out of reach.
“We should leave it alone. It’s a stray. Who knows what kind of diseases it has?”
Jade’s brows drew together. “You’d let him starve?”
With a sigh, he said, “No.” Then he pulled his keys from his pocket, unlocked the door, and entered the house. Jade followed, and so did the cat, like he knew food was close by.
Jade dropped her backpack on the floor near the door and gave the living room a quick scan.
“The kitchen’s through there,” Nate said, pointing. “Have a look at what you can find.”
With that, Jade rushed out of the room. Inside the fridge, she found some roasted chicken. Pulling it out, she went in search of a plate and a bowl to pour water into. When Nate entered the kitchen, Jade had shredded the meat into small pieces onto a plate.
“Did you see how skinny he is? He probably hasn’t eaten in days.”
“Will the cat stick around because we’re feeding it?” Nate asked.
Probably. “I’m sure he’ll move on once he has a full belly.”
Nate didn’t look convinced.
She passed him the bowl of water and she picked up the chicken. “Let’s feed this poor cat.”
Jade had barely put the plate on the ground when the stray pounced on the meal, eating it at a fast speed. Then it attacked the water. When all was finished, it licked the plate and meowed, looking at Jade with eyes that said please sir, I want some more. Just like in the movie Oliver. How could she refuse that sweet face?
“I’ll fix you another plate.” Jade raced back to the kitchen to get more food.
Again, the cat devoured it super quick. This time, when he finished, he must’ve been content because he yawned, stretched, and found a spot under the coffee table and fell asleep.
When she looke
d at Nate, she found him smiling at her. “What?” she asked.
“Most people would have shooed the fleabag away. I know I would.” He screwed up his nose as he stared at the cat. “If I have to fumigate for bugs, I’m sending you the bill.”
“I couldn’t let it starve, and neither could you.” Making herself at home, she sat on the big, cushioned lounge, kicked off her shoes, and tucked her feet under her. “Spray insect repellent once he leaves. I’m sure it will be fine.”
Nate sat down on the couch next to her. “I’ve never met a woman who rides a yellow moped and saves a kitten all in one day.”
“I’m full of surprises.” She grinned.
“I haven’t had a dull moment since meeting you, that’s for sure.” His voice dropped to a huskier tone and his eyes hooded.
Her insides quivered, and a drumbeat banged against her chest. If he kept looking at her like she was dessert—wanting to lick and eat every last crumb—she’d let him take a bite.
So not to fall into temptation, she glanced around the sparse room. The only furniture was the couch they were sitting on, and a scarred timber coffee table that Dorito—yes, she’d named the cat—was sleeping under. A big, flat screen TV was mounted on the wall, and an old record player sat in the corner. There were no photos, artwork, or any personal touches.
“I’m loving your decorating skills,” she commented sarcastically.
“No point doing more, it’s only a rental. I’m never home long enough to buy anything.”
“When was the last time you were home?” she asked.
He rubbed his chin. “Three years.”
“Your grandmother must miss you when you’re away. Do you have any other family here?”
“No, only Toby. We’re not related, but he’s like a brother.”
She could tell Toby felt the same way about Nate. “What about family in America?”
“I’m an only child, my parents were too.”
Jade thought how sad it was that Nate didn’t have a lot of family in his life. She was lucky to have her grandparents, mother, siblings, and cousins constantly around. Even her father, although not as often, was present. She couldn’t imagine not having them. Even when they stuck their noses into her business.
“I’m assuming being the only child of rich and famous parents, you would’ve inherited a fortune. How did you not turn out to be a spoiled rich kid?”
“Fi-Fi was my guardian and had control over the money. She made sure I couldn’t touch it until I was mature enough to use it. And she often threatened that if I didn’t behave, I’d never see it again. And whenever I tried my holier-than-thou bullshit, I’d cop a flick across the ear.”
Jade chuckled. “She sounds tough. Although I think it was a smart move.”
“She was. But she also gave me the love and affection I craved. I have her to thank for my great life living out of the shadow of celebrity parents.”
“You don’t use your parents’ surname. Where did Miller come from?” Jade asked.
“It’s Fi-Fi’s maiden name. She kept it when she married my grandfather. He died when he was young, and no one ever figured out the connection.”
What a crazy life Nate had led. After the trauma as a young boy, Jade was happy he’d had somewhere safe and loving to land.
Her leg stiffened from having it folded under her, and she shifted on the couch to stretch. Nate took hold of her foot and placed it on his lap. Startled, she went to pull away, but he held tight and pressed his thumbs against the arch and gently massaged. Groaning, she slumped in her seat and closed her eyes. It felt like heaven.
His magical hands paused, and when he didn’t continue, she cracked open an eye. If she thought he looked hungry for dessert earlier, she’d been wrong. Now he stared at her like she was three courses rolled into one. Heat coiled in her belly and simmered down to her toes.
The hands holding her foot slowly slid under her skirt and up to her calf, then he stopped, meeting her gaze like he was silently asking for permission to go further. God yes! Nothing would upset her more than if he stopped. And to show him her consent, her free foot glided up his thigh and ever so gently rubbed just below his arousal she could see straining behind his denim jeans.
He sucked in a sharp breath, and dropped his head for a beat. When he looked at her again, he said with a strained voice, “You know I’ll be leaving in a few weeks.”
Jade wiggled further down the couch to encourage Nate’s fingers to slide even further up her leg. She would combust if he didn’t put out this fire that was burning through her veins.
“So?” she managed to say on a frustrated sigh.
The hand holding her thigh wasn’t doing what she wanted it to do, and she gave another encouraging wiggle.
“If we do this, it can’t go any further. I’m only here for a few weeks. I can’t commit to anything more,” he explained.
Relationships in her life always had an expiry date. A tiny part of her wished things could be different with Nate. There was something about him that made her heart skip a beat like no one had ever done before. But she lived with the curse and knew the consequences.
“I’m okay with that,” she said.
He gave her a wary glance. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. Are you always this chatty when you’re about to have sex?”
He choked back a laugh. “Not usually. Just making sure we’re on the same page.”
Sitting up, she grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it on the floor. “You have nothing to worry about. I won’t cry and chase after you when you leave.” She flicked open the first two buttons of her blouse. “But if you think you’ll get needy and clingy, then maybe we should stop?”
His eyes glazed over as he watched her fingers. “No chance of that happening.” He growled and crushed his lips against hers, and they fell back onto the couch.
He made quick work of removing her shirt. For a second, Jade felt self-conscious about her less than ample chest. It was darker the other night in the water, and likely he hadn’t noticed how lacking she was in that area. But when his mouth opened and sucked at her nipple through the bra, he made noises like he was enjoying himself, and all thoughts flittered out of her mind.
His tongue, wet and hot, was almost more than she could stand. But she needed more. More touching and more skin pressing against her. Her hands traveled down his back, clasping his butt and pulling him closer so he wedged between her thighs. The barrier of his pants getting in the way.
He pulled his mouth from her breast, and she nearly cried from the loss. As his heated gaze roamed over her body like a warm caress, she quivered. But she preferred the touchy-feely part a lot more and reached for the front of his jeans, unfastening the buttons of his fly. She wanted those suckers off—now.
Understanding her mission, he lifted slightly to give her better access, but when he glanced down to where their pelvises met, he chuckled. “Cute.”
Who looked at a woman’s lady bits and called it cute? Maybe love tunnel. Pathway to heaven. Pleasure purse. But cute? She took a peek to see what he thought was so cute then snorted. She was wearing her Powerpuff Girls undies. Well, that explained it.
“You are definitely unique.” He chuckled.
“You can add ‘awesome underwear wearer’ to the ‘moped rider and kitten rescuer’ list.”
He flashed her a smile, and she got back to removing his jeans. Not wanting to waste time, she roughly pushed them down, and his undies went with them.
But before they went any further Nate let out a loud scream and his face screwed up in pain. Then a startled cat screeched in fright and jumped off his butt. How the hell did Dorito get there?
Nate bounded from the couch, tripping over the tangled jeans around his ankles, and fell onto the coffee table, breaking through the flimsy timber.
Jade scrambled to her feet and gasped, “Are you okay?”
“The fucking cat clawed my arse!” he shouted.
> Jade hid a giggle behind her hand.
“I’m going to kill it. Where’d he go?” He tried scrambling onto his feet but kept getting caught in his jeans.
“You’re not touching a precious hair on Dorito’s head,” Jade scolded as she quickly put herself back together and then went in search of the cat. She found him shaking under a cushion that had fallen from the couch.
“What about the precious skin on my arse? Wait…you’ve named it Dorito?” This time he got safely to his feet, and much to Jade’s disappointment, he pulled up his jeans, and then made to reach for the cat.
As if the animal knew his life was in danger and Jade was a safe place, he jumped into her arms. She held him close to her chest, trying to shield him from Nate. “Yes, I did. He’s orange, skinny, and funny-looking. Just like a Dorito.”
Nate shook his head with disbelief. “Well, I think Dorito has overstayed his welcome. Put him outside. After I disinfect my arse, we can get back to what we were doing. I’m interested in having a closer look at your special taste in undies.” His eyes hooded, and her body quivered and she barely had any strength to hold on to the cat.
“Dorito stays.”
“The fleabag goes. Would you like to see the razor-sharp cuts it left?” When her eyes sparked interest he said, “I’ll show you a hell of a lot more if the stray leaves.”
How could she pass that up? But to put the poor thing outside when it would need more food was too cruel. As her mind played tug-o-war, she heard her phone beep an incoming message. Carefully cradling Dorito, she walked to her backpack and pulled out her phone. It was an SOS from Ava. She was calling an emergency meeting.
“I have to go,” Jade said.
“Right now?”
“Yes, my friend Ava needs me.” She looked at Dorito, undecided what she would do with him.
“Here, give him to me.”
She gave him a dubious look.